With today's modern development of dental restorative materials, amalgams are the thing of the past.  Dental composites are the dental standard for restoring teeth after the cavities have been removed.  Dental composites come in a variety of teeth enamel colours so the restoration is colour matched to your specific tooth and improves cosmetic appearance.

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Composites resins are made of a mixture of a special formulated plastic and acrylic material.  The resin is applied in thin layers and a UV light is used to cure the resin allowing it to polymerize into a hard stable structure and bond to the tooth.  

Depending on the size of the restoration, the total time required may be from 10 mins to an hour.  If the restoration is across several surfaces, more time is required to build the composite resin form it into the shape of a tooth. Anesthesia may be needed ease the pain depending on how large and invasive the cavities are.